- How do you spell "dichotomy"?
- Do we have any copies of the actual diary of Anne Frank, as opposed to the play adapted from it? (This is actually sort of hard to tell from the catalog, because of the way titles are listed when they're not originally in English.)
- Where can I find a dictionary of Greco-Roman mythology?
- Where can I find an anthology of eighteenth-century French poetry?
- What is the connection between those red books and the subject headings on books in the catalog? (Asked by a student in LIB 101, whose assignment was to find subject headings in common among a set of books she'd found. A good little conversation about subject tracings ensued.)
- Thank you for helping me last year with those citations I couldn't get--once we figured out that the journal had changed names, I resubmitted my request to ILL and got them right away. (Yay! So nice to have good feedback!)
- How do you spell the airplane manufacturer "Northrop"?
- Where can I find a textbook on interpreting electrocardiograms, specifically for the abnormality of right bundle branches?
- Is there any way I can request an entire journal be sent to me via Interlibrary Loan? (It's a recent philosophy journal that we don't subscribe to, and I want to see it in the flesh.)
- Do we have a subscription to, or access in full text to, the Mexican newspaper La Jornada? (We don't appear to, although I'm told it's like a Mexican New York Times.)
- Where can I find information about Mongolia in the present day? I.e., what issues face the country, where is it going, what's up with Mongolia?
- Where can I find books about learning Japanese? What about Hebrew? What about audio cassettes or CDs to learn Japanese and Hebrew? What about videos of movies in Japanese or Hebrew?
- If something is published by the Cato Institute, is it from an academic source?
- Where do I plug my headphones into this computer?
- How do I get a book if it's listed as being in "SCI STORAGE"?
- Can someone fix the sink in the fourth floor men's room? It runs constantly.
- Where can I find circulation numbers for the magazine Natural Home? (This was a bit ridiculous, because first of all I assumed she meant she wanted a call number, which she didn't. Then I found that Natural Home [which my sweetie just brought home from the store the other day--great little magazine with an environmental slant] isn't listed in Ulrich's online, although it is in Ulrich's print, but there are no circ stats. It's in Magazines for Libraries, but no circ stats. It's not in the Gale directory. I ended up telling her to email the magazine off its website. Failure! ETA: Argh! It is in Ulrich's online! I missed it because the title's not exact, and the publisher info at the top of the page doesn't match the publisher info in the print edition. Argh! Argh! For the record: 150,000 paid.)
- Where is our ethnic studies faculty candidate? We sent him to the library for a tour and we've lost him.