Friday, February 01, 2008

After a long lull, here's another crop of questions from the Moffitt, Environmental Design, and chat reference services at UC Berkeley...
  • I'm looking for a copy of the book Crack-Up at the Race Riots. (Melvyl)
  • I'm looking for books on Kafka--specifically, literary criticism from a psychoanalytic perspective. (Melvyl, conversation about LCSH for lit crit and benefits of browsing.)
  • I need to find these two books on Greek statuary. They're not where they should be on the shelves. (User was in Moffitt, not Main.)
  • I'm studying the culture of coffee shops--franchises like Starbuck's, and how they've changed how we drink coffee (marketing etc.) as well as independent cafes. I'd like to find books about how Starbuck's etc. has changed coffee culture, and also reviews of local independent cafes. (America: History & Life, Soc Abs, Business Source Premier, local newspapers for articles of local independent cafes, book catalogs--multiple books on the Starbuck's phenomenon in particular, as well as on "affordable luxuries" etc.)
  • I'm looking for information about how thresher sharks are affected by overfishing and specific fishing practices. (ESPM)
  • I'm looking for information on how community organizations, such as the YMCA, affect success for African-American youth. (Soc Abs, Ethnic Newswatch, ERIC, book catalogs.)
  • I'm looking for a book by UCB professor Ananya Roy. If it's not here, can I recall it? (Book catalogs, and yes.)
  • I recalled a thesis about favelas in Rio--has it arrived for me yet? (Referred to circulation.)


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