Monday, March 28, 2005

Second desk shift, still the first day back. So far...
  • How do I use the printer?
  • Where can I get a copy of The Tipping Point? (All Summit copies are out; 50+ holds at EPL. Answer: um, buy a copy?)
  • If the UO's copy of a book isn't in, how can I get hold of a copy from another library?
  • Where can I find the journal Accident Analysis and Prevention?
  • What is the phone number for the Computing Center?
  • Where can I get a copy of The Rape of Nanking?
  • To whom can I send promotional materials for cinema studies books? (It irks me when vendors call the reference desk. I spelled my name out for her without mentioning that I'm the one she'll be contacting.)
  • Where can I find these issues of American Behavioral Scientist, Communication Research, and Asian Journal of Communication?
  • How do I get DuckWeb to show me what I actually owe this term, so I can print that out and my family can pay the bill?
  • Where can I get a copy of the book Nahuas and Spaniards : postconquest central Mexican history and philology?


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