Friday, July 08, 2005

Radical periodicals in America, 1890-1950 : a bibliography with brief notes. With a genealogical chart and a concise lexicon of the parties and groups which issued them.

Walter Goldwater, ed.
Yale, 1966 (revised edition.) 51 p.

An annotated list of English-language periodicals published in the US, "of a 'radical'--i.e., Anarchist, Communist, or Socialist--nature" (vii) during the dates mentioned above. Doesn't include daily newspapers, trade-union publications, local publications, literary magazines, or special interest publications, such as those appealing to women, Protestants, or, as Goldwater says, "members of the staff of the New York Public Library"(vii.) Some exceptions apply.

Includes a list of references important to the study of American radicalism and Communism.

Includes a well-organized genealogy of radical parties and groups in the US, with their approximate dates of birth and death. The Socialist Labor Party, for instance, was extant in 1890 and survived the 1950s, the cutoff for Goldwater's work. The Workers Communist League (an offshoot of the Communist Opposition), was only around for a few years in the early thirties. Scanning the chart gives you a good bird's-eye view of American radical political activity in the first part of the twentieth century.

Includes entries on the many groups involved, giving names of key members and brief histories of the organizations.

Does not give locations of extant copies, but suggests university libraries which have substantial holdings of radical periodicals.

Based on the Union List of Serials, which no new librarians are ever taught to use anymore.


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