Tuesday, April 06, 2004

Sitelines: a site I should have known about a long time ago. Subtitle: Ideas About Web Searching. I think the theme of the day is: subtitles. With the: colon.

Google: why did they hide the directory? Answer: probably to favor advertisers, at least according to Sitelines. Karen: not happy.

Also: from Sitelines. Hot Topics: Best Information on the Net. Basically: a clean, easy-to-use web page created by librarians at the O'Keefe Library at St. Ambrose University, collating reputable Web resources on current issues. Of interest to: students doing research on same-sex marriage, health care reform, gun control, terrorism, and other current social issues for which their 3-page overview paper is due tomorrow morning at 9 am. Also: librarians interested in how we're organizing the Internet and making it accessible to our users.

Further: Resourceshelf.com. Internet stuffs! Could use a slicker interface, but lots of good information, and running on Blogger.

Lastly: according to our international programs and labor certification advisor, it's getting harder and harder for Canadian employees to get their American TN (short-term, non-immigrant) visas renewed at US/Canada border crossings. There's nothing in the NAFTA that indicates why these visas are being challenged and denied; there's been no change in any of the wording or spirit of the agreement. However, there seems to be a change afoot at the ground level, with individual border guards simply refusing to renew the visas without providing any reason for doing so. Visa and labor certification matters for Canadians working in the US are complicated, but it's suprising to me that the library associations in the US and Canada haven't taken more of an interest in this. There are plenty of Canadians in the same situation I'm in here in Oregon: stuck on a tenuous, theoretically indefinite but extremely vulnerable one-year renewable work permit, without any guarantee of long-term status in the country. Bad for me, bad for my employer. Bad for everyone, and apparently getting worse. If you're interested in these matters, I'd be happy to talk more about it, whether you're a fellow Canadian working in the US or an American employer, or a Canadian legislator looking for bones to pick with the US.

And I'm sure I'll come back to this subject in the future, but right now I have to get ready to go on the reference desk, so...

Final subtitle of the post: A Reliable Fount of Fun Instructional Examples!


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